Entrepreneurship Development At the university

Today’s generation isn’t the sort that fits well with regular 9 to 5 jobs. They prefer starting something of their own. That way, not only can they be their own bosses, but they can create new jobs as well. Entrepreneurs bring growth and innovation to their respective fields. Sigma University encourages this attitude. That is why, we conduct various entrepreneurship development activities at our campus.

Workshop on Enterpreneurship Development

Sigma Enterpreneurship Development and Incubation Centre (SEDIC) was established to help students start and find funding for new businesses.The centre organises seminars and guides students in registering their copy-rights under


Sigma Institute of Engineering SSIP cell supports students’ innovation and startup through funding, mentorship, co-working space, patent filing, and legal assistance. This project is funded by the Gujarat Knowledge Society, Gandhinagar.

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